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Day 2 - Clean your Space and Balance for 30 seconds - February Fitness Challenge

Writer's picture: Kelsey HoopleKelsey Hoople

Tuesday's this month are about BALANCE, in life and in fitness.

For a look at the full challenge click <HERE>.

Written Instructions:

Today's task is to clean up or tidy a personal space or room. This can be an office, bathroom, bedroom, living room, art room or any area that could use a little care and attention.

Cleaning has a way to help us feel at ease. We get to 'wipe the dirt away' so to speak and also reap the rewards of a job well done. There are many times I've looked around after a good bit of cleaning and smiled. I also like to rearrange rooms if I find I am not using them as much. For example, I found I wasn't using my treadmill or meditation corner in my living room because it was all cluttered together. I moved a couple furniture pieces out, relocated my meditation area to a more open space, and created a corner with a shelf divider which then created more space around the treadmill. In the past couple weeks, I've use both areas regularly... sometimes just the change of scenery, and cleanly open space, is enough to promote action.

Here is a great article from Psychology Today, The Powerful Psychology Behind Cleanliness, outlining some scientifically proven reasons why cleaning is good for us and a few tips and tricks to follow on how to remain tidy, consistently. And for all those considering tidying their work desk... here's an article from Harvard Business Review, The Case for Finally Cleaning Your Desk, where it gives great examples of benefits for cleanliness, not just at home but, at work too.

Keep in mind, cleaning doesn't have to be all the time, just consistent. A 'lived in' space is good but the difference between occupied and cluttered is scientifically proven to affect our mood, mind, body, and overall quality of life. Create a plan, do a small bit at a time, and watch as your outer cleanliness starts to feel lighter inside yourself as well.

Our Fitness Focus today is BALANCE. This takes core activation and can be challenging as it requires muscle endurance, visual/sensory perception, and a 😉 can-do spirit to outlast. I include balance practice in all of my Personal Training programs. It's so important, especially as we age, to maintain basic movement and function. Fun Fact (or not so fun if you're challenged by this 😬): Did you know fluid build up in the ears can affect your balance?

And because I love science-y stuff... here's a great article from the Pacific Neuroscience Institute, 5 things about hearing and balance. It even overviews some of the common balance disorders. Interesting.

I train balance, for myself and my clients, because we can learn to activate and control our body through many sensory movements. There are reasons to do activation exercises and take time to connect the mind to intentional movement. I go as far to train balance with my eyes closed, 😁 sensory yoga and movement meditation anyone?

You can amp up your challenge today by trying our balance task with your eyes closed. 🙂 Please stand beside something you can hold onto if needed though. Safety first!!

And also, if 30 seconds is too much. That's okay. We are all unique and on our own journey... this is something that gets better with practice. Break the task down into manageable amounts; 3-10 second holds, 2-15 second holds, or heck 6-5 second holds if you need. Work yourself up to longer... attention, consistency, and dedication does wonders.

Video Instructions:

There we have it. Day 2... in our February Fitness Challenge.

Any questions, message me anytime.

Once you've completed the day... comment below with your findings and progress, I'd love to support you while we challenge ourselves one day at a time. #DayOneAlways mentality with #believeagainfitness effort will create the #healthylifestyle consistency we need. Social media hashtag #februaryfitnesschallenge2021 and be sure to have FUN.

We've got this together.

🌹 Take care all and much love.

1 Comment

Feb 02, 2021

Such a great blog post - I have yet to follow the links but I am looking forward to reading the interesting and appropriate articles you tagged. Thank you and I am going to balance now - soon - this afternoon. :0 and clean something... woot! February Fitness Challenge is going well!


**All the information contained in this site is based off my own education, experience, beliefs, and personal opinion. I am not a Doctor, dietitian, nurse, or otherwise. I only know what has worked for me, continue to learn by gaining qualifications, and listen to what has worked for others I trust. Always evaluate your own risk, belief, and perspective then decide how to proceed. 

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